Lotus Love Healing
** (My work can be fully experienced as a long distance/remote session. My love and energy medicine is transmitted and can be felt through time and space. All you need is a phone or computer, and a quiet comfortable space). **
"Transforming darkness into light, I am here to spread my love and to help you shine brightly" ~ Annette Marie
As a clairvoyant, I receive what I call "downloads" from Source/Spirit (non-religious). These are intuitive messages that come to me before and during a session, and often they pertain to traumas and experiences that have created stagnant energy in the body. Too often, because of these traumas and experiences, we create unhealthy patterns of living that eventually become behaviors and then habits. Our body responds mentally. emotionally, and physically to this and creates the stagnancy leading to feeling physical and emotional pain, overthinking, uncertainty, being unhappy, unproductive, or being "stuck" living with untruths and beliefs about our self. This is how states of dis-ease evolve; by continuing to practice unhealthy ways of thinking and being, and creating an imbalance of mind, body, and spirit. For our own survival, we then build a wall up to protect our heart, and this wall creates chronic un-wellness.
During your session, I will use my own Lotus Love Technique. This is a true love offering; focusing on the heart chakra, and opening yourself up to gratitude and compassion of self. I use the energetic vibrations of sounds and songs that I am led to by Source/Spirit (non-religious) and then transmute them to you, kind of like dancing and painting with your energetic frequencies. You will connect with your personal rhythm, and feel your own soul energy dance around as it shifts and finds balance, opening areas of your mind body and spirit that are asking to be nurtured and loved.
I am channeled by and led through Source/Spirit (non-religious), using different sound therapies, crystals, oils, animal medicine, spirit guides, card readings, guided meditation, and other holistic modalities to help recognize and let go of the old unwanted, and unnecessary blocks, in order to better connect to your inner-self. By becoming aware of the stagnancy and learning how to clear the old patterns of thinking and being, including unhealthy lifestyle choices and habitual practices; it allows for the release of pain, suffering, and grief that you may have been holding onto, and of that which no longer serves your purpose for your own soul's growth. It allows for you to receive joy, peace, calm, and a sense of knowing and belonging. This can feel freeing; creating both a sense of self-empowerment and a sense of lightness, as you begin to TRULY feel the magnitude of LOVE that is within YOU!!
A Lotus Love Healing can be a very powerful and intense experience, and during the entire time, I will be with you providing a safe space (yes, even during a long distance session) in love, for you to be able to share your story and your vulnerabilities with me. You deserve to be loved!!! The world deserves your love. So, let’s BE LOVE together!
After your Lotus Love Healing session has ended, we will have time to discuss any strong feelings that may have come up for you during the session. (You are encouraged to discuss any feelings that arise during the actual session as well). We will also address new ways of thinking and behaving, clearing mental blocks, letting go of old stigmas/beliefs/values, and creating overall healthier ways of living and being. *** A length of a session typically lasts between 60-90 mins. ***
$150 (includes FREE 15 min consult)
$500 Pkg of 4 sessions (to be used within 90 days of original purchase).
Integrative Massage
This type of massage offers a whole body healing. I will provide you a safe and comforting space during your customized massage. While using several different therapeutic and integrative modalities to help ease areas of tension in your body, it can result in an increase in circulation, flexibility, range of motion, and help to decrease pain and discomfort you may be feeling. Using an integrative approach helps to create a balance of mind, body, and spirit while achieving optimal health and wellness.
$110- 60 minute session
$130 - 75 minute session
Please give a 24 hr notice for any cancelation. Any cancelations with less than 24 hours of notice are subject to a 50% cancelation fee. Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service.
~ Blessings On Your Journey
Cash, Venmo, and FB Pay accepted for payment (prices subject to change)