Lotus Love Healing Arts

Mind Body Spirit

About the Practitioner





Annette Marie Roberts, Holistic RN, LMT

Lotus Love Healing Arts is my baby, my creation, and its purpose and focus is to facilitate healing through love. To be love is to be in one’s truth.  To be a nurse requires devotion of self to another human being, viewing the human body as a blank canvas of God’s creation. Having experienced my own battles with traumas and loss, I continue to learn the necessary tools to heal from suffering and I am guided to help myself rise above the muddy waters, as does a lotus, stretching out her soft petals on top of the stillness- shining brightly and compassionately through God’s love. It is through these life lessons, and with the assistance of my spirit guides, animal guides, elders, and angels that Lotus Love Healing Arts was born. 

I am a holistic nurse, a medical intuitive, a clairvoyant, and an energy worker. The Lotus represents all forms of growth; my personal growth and the growth of all those I am led to serve. Love is our driving force and our truth. Healing Arts is the conglomerate of all the different types of modalities I practice.


It is my belief that the universal truth and purpose of existence is love. It is a very simple concept yet can be difficult to put into practice.  It can be felt through practicing gratitude, and in tiny, beautiful moments. It is an action, a purpose, life, death, presence, past, future, knowing, unknowing, easy, difficult, scary, resistance, acceptance, and peaceful all at the same time, moment to moment.

To live in our most optimal health, we must find a balance of mind body and spirit. My goal is to assist you in helping to expand your conscious awareness through finding your personal truth, which in return will help create universal truth and healing.

We are all on our own path in this life experience. It is important to be gentle and to love our self unconditionally as we work towards creating the most perfect sense of joy and happiness.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu